Preparing for your newborn session
What to expect
I have worked very hard to create a space that is welcoming for all family members to enjoy their new baby's session. I encourage siblings to join and will shoot family photos first.
Babies arrival
Our newborn sessions are booked between the first 7-18 days after birth. Once your sweet baby arrives, you will contact ILP to set a date for your studio session.
If you are a c-section Momma, you may contact us anytime to setup your session before coordinating around the time of your c-section date.
Before your session
Three days before your session, you will receive an email to confirming your upcoming session to ensure everyone is happy, healthy and ready to go. If you need to reschedule for any reason, we ask that you give us as much notice as possible to arrange a new date for your family.
For many family's, Dad likes to drive separately with sibling so they are not waiting around for hours while we finish baby. A trip to get a treat is always encouraged after family pictures!
If driving separately is not an option, please feel free to bring comfy clothes for all to change into, a snack for the siblings, and busy items like coloring books or tablets to pass the time.
Then it's time for baby! Baby will then have alone time on the posing bag and props. Parents are welcome to watch or enjoy a little quiet time or nap! (I mean, really, we all know those naps are precious).

What to bring?
ILP will provide almost everything that baby will need including diapers, wipes, and all the sweet baby props.
We ask that you please bring the following:
A bottle or boob to feed baby. Nursing Mommas are welcomed and encouraged to nurse at the studio. If you are pumping please have a bottle ready. You are welcome to pump at the studio if needed during your session.
A pacifier is a must. There are times where I will need a pacifier to soothe them to sleep as a comfort while we are posing. Baby will only use the pacifier as needed during the session.
A freshly bathed baby. Giving them a bath first thing that morning will help tire them out for the session + give us amazing soft & shiny hair.
A sleepy baby! Please try to keep baby awake as much as possible so they can sleep during their session.
Please plan on feeding baby right before you arrive at the studio or right when you get to the studio. A full tummy will help baby to sleep soundly as we position and pose them.
shoot locations
We offer two locations for newborn sessions. There are pros to every location! Think about the dynamic of your family, what they will enjoy, and what you will be comfortable with while being pregnant and once baby arrives. We will work together to discuss options and find the perfect location for you.
in the studio
Our Studio is located at
3814 Main, Groves, TX
in the greenhouse
Our outdoor Greenhouse is located in
Groves, TX
Full address to be given when booking.
maternity sessions
Maternity sessions can be in our downtown studio, outdoor greenhouse, or an outdoor location.

What to wear?
newborn & maternity wardrobe
Styling sessions is my absolute favorite! I will work with you to find a wardrobe that jives with your style and photographs beautifully. I have a client closet and styling service that are available to you at no charge. I also have makeup artists I can recommend for Mommas who would like to take the stress off of this aspect of preparing for the session as well.
Coordinate your outfits by finding a color palette you love and finding pieces that compliment one another. Avoid matchy-matchy and black as your main color. Neutral colors, earth tones, and jewel tones look great for my style of photography and in particular newborn sessions, please avoid bright neon hues. For Dad, I recommend neutrals, dark grey, cream, white, rust, deep blue, dark green. Target and GAP are great spots to find a simply henley or neutral toned shirt.
After your session
Session editing typically takes 3-4 weeks
Client Gallery
Clients will receive an email with access to their personal, password protected online gallery where you can view and access all photos from your shoot.
The gallery is where you will be able to download and order prints. You can also share your gallery with friends and family.
Your gallery will be active for 4 weeks.
Photos & Prints
You can download your whole session or individual shots (varies depending on your package).
We encourage you to download all digital prints and save to a USB or hard drive as soon as possible to ensure they are safe.
Prints and wall art are available to order right in your gallery. These orders are sent directly to the lab and payment is due at 'checkout'
We love hearing about your experience with ILP!
We greatly appreciate our clients sharing their positive experience with family and friends, even a shout out on social media when sharing images.
Our business thrives on word of mouth bookings which is the biggest compliment.